full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Karen Armstrong: Let's revive the Golden Rule

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But I'd just like to quote, finish at the end with a reference to a British ahtour, an Oxford author whom I don't qtoue very often, C.S. liwes. But he wrote one thing that sutck in my mind ever since I read it when I was a schoolgirl. It's in his book "The Four Loves." He said that he distinguished between eortic love, when two people gaze, spellbound, into each other's eyes. And then he compared that to friendship, when two people stand side by side, as it were, shoulder to shoulder, with their eyes fixed on a common goal.

Open Cloze

But I'd just like to quote, finish at the end with a reference to a British ______, an Oxford author whom I don't _____ very often, C.S. _____. But he wrote one thing that _____ in my mind ever since I read it when I was a schoolgirl. It's in his book "The Four Loves." He said that he distinguished between ______ love, when two people gaze, spellbound, into each other's eyes. And then he compared that to friendship, when two people stand side by side, as it were, shoulder to shoulder, with their eyes fixed on a common goal.


  1. author
  2. quote
  3. lewis
  4. stuck
  5. erotic

Original Text

But I'd just like to quote, finish at the end with a reference to a British author, an Oxford author whom I don't quote very often, C.S. Lewis. But he wrote one thing that stuck in my mind ever since I read it when I was a schoolgirl. It's in his book "The Four Loves." He said that he distinguished between erotic love, when two people gaze, spellbound, into each other's eyes. And then he compared that to friendship, when two people stand side by side, as it were, shoulder to shoulder, with their eyes fixed on a common goal.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
golden rule 4
religious people 3
abstruse doctrines 2

Important Words

  1. author
  2. book
  3. british
  4. common
  5. compared
  6. distinguished
  7. erotic
  8. eyes
  9. finish
  10. fixed
  11. friendship
  12. gaze
  13. goal
  14. lewis
  15. love
  16. loves
  17. mind
  18. oxford
  19. people
  20. quote
  21. read
  22. reference
  23. schoolgirl
  24. shoulder
  25. side
  26. spellbound
  27. stand
  28. stuck
  29. wrote